Your 2023 Year Ahead by Zodiac Sign

Your 2023 Year Ahead by Zodiac Sign

There are several major astrological transits happening in 2023. We discussed them (and included all the dates!) in detail on this blog post- so be sure to check it out. While that information is a high level overview of 2023, these readings are a personalized deep divejust like our candles!

Our Lead Astrologer, Erin River Sunday, wrote these horoscopes according to your Rising/Ascendant sign. Don’t know your Rising sign? We’ve got a book for that

Aries ✧ 

You’re starting 2023 with a BANG, Aries, and of course you wouldn’t want it any other way. With Jupiter in your home sign until May this year, your sense of self is expanding like never before. While you might have been feeling the drama from Mars retrograde the past several months, you will feel your burdens lighten significantly by mid-January. The other big news for you this year is that the North Node will shift into Aries this summer. That means that the eclipses will hit very close to home and mark major new beginnings and endings in your life throughout 2023, especially in your one on one partnerships. Most people know Aries to be bold and fiercely independent…and this year you’re ready to claim those titles once and for all. The collective is in search of fearless leaders now, so be ready to answer the call.

Taurus ✧

You navigated eclipses in your home sign throughout 2022, and this year you’re (almost) out of the woods. The final eclipse in Taurus lands in October, but the majority of the shake ups will be felt on the Aries/Libra axis- which should feel like a sigh of relief to you! Whatever challenges you faced last year are ready to be integrated now so you can move forward with a bit less drama. Jupiter, the planet of abundance and luck, will be in your home sign starting in May…indicating the possibility of a truly bountiful year. Especially the second half! Jupiter in Taurus will highlight all the things you love: luxurious products and time spent in nature among them! Another highlight of your 2023 will be the extended transit of Venus through Leo. While not your home sign, Venus is your planetary ruler. You’ll be feeling extra sweetness around home and family from June-September.

Gemini ✧ 

All Geminis have been inside the pressure cooker of Mars retrograde for months…but the transit will finally come to an end in mid-January. If you’ve been feeling burned out or struggling to get traction, this year will bring your momentum back quickly. While the biggest action of the year is focused on cardinal and fixed signs- there is one major mutable moment that will impact you: Saturn entering Pisces. This planet is known to have a proclivity for boundaries and hard work. It might not sound like the “fun” you’re used to, but Saturn making an aspect to your Sun will help you determine what’s worthy of your time. This Saturn transit is part of a bigger maturation phase that will continue to unfold for you over the next several years. Trust that the changes (especially growing pains at work) are supporting your evolution.  

Cancer ✧ 

Mercury Retrograde is something we confront several times a year, but 2023 both begins and ends with this energy concentrated on your committed partnerships. You can plan to come full circle with someone(s) you love this year thanks to Mercury’s slow moving review process. It’s not just your intimate relationships that will be tested this year, though. The North Node will move into your career sector this summer, and eclipses throughout the year will center around your work/life balance. You’re going to be challenged to come into your power at the office- and you might be surprised by the newfound hunger and direction you feel naturally. Your brave inner leader is being activated, so go ahead and nurture it…your home life can wait. Especially between April and October, notice the big beginnings and endings that are unfolding in your life. 

Leo ✧ 

You’ve likely felt more serious than usual the past few years…but that’s all about to change. Saturn will leave Aquarius (your opposite house) and enter Pisces this March. The strict rules you may have been abiding by lately will magically lighten up so you can return to the party you call life. Never doubt that this maturing period served you, though, because when Pluto enters Aquarius the same month- your newfound boundaries will deepen. Expect to encounter powerful people this spring and notice how you respond to them. The other big 2023 story for you is the Venus in Leo transit. Venus will enter your home sign in early June and not leave until October! This is a very extended visit because of a 40 day and 40 night retrograde period. You might feel like your shine dims temporarily, but overall, you can count on receiving lots of love and attention this summer. It’s giving personal renaissance! 

Virgo ✧ 

This year is going to direct your focus onto what you value and why. Firstly, Saturn will enter your opposing house of Pisces. This is a slow moving transit that will take the next several years to unfold- but there will be a seriousness that finds you in 2023. You’re beginning a process of weeding out what is no longer worth your time and energy. This sentiment will be compounded by the North Node entering Aries this summer. For you, that means the eclipses this year center around releasing control. You could be merging assets with another person and beginning to understand the intangibles that define your relationships. Jupiter will remain in Aries, too, for the first half of the year, so you should have good luck receiving resources from others. Take extra care from mid-August to mid-September when Mercury will retrograde through your home sign. Use this birthday period to review where you want to go next.

Libra ✧ 

Love, one of your favorite subjects, is taking center stage for you this year Libra. You’ve been feeling a mix of emotions towards relationships lately, because Jupiter has been expanding your one on one partnerships, but Saturn has been restricting your playful nature. Once Saturn enters Pisces in early March, you should feel a refreshing amount of flirtiness return to your life. When the North Node enters Aries this summer, the possibility of meeting your other half (or leaning into the one you already have) will become that much greater. You’re in a unique position this year to balance your relationships in a way that honors independence for everyone involved. Your ruler, Venus, will spend several months in Leo this year, and retrograde for some of that time. Place extra care on your friendships this summer and ensure you don’t forget about them if you’re busy falling in love.

Scorpio ✧ 

Last year was likely pretty intense for you thanks to eclipses happening in your home sign, and opposite sign of Taurus. You’re not quite out of the woods yet, but when the North Node enters Aries in mid-July, some of the pressure will be lifted. The task, then, will be to integrate the major beginnings and endings you’ve been experiencing lately- especially in your one on one partnerships. A big focal point of the year will be on your career, especially from June-October. Venus will be in Leo for an extended period and highlight your public roles. Plan to be very busy at the office this summer, and especially while Venus is retrograde during August, take some time to rediscover what lights you up. A career change or other shakeup at work could be afoot in the second half of the year, so use the start of 2023 to hone in on the routines that make you feel good- and trust that the rest will fall into place.

Sagittarius ✧ 

If your traveling heart has been curtailed by the pandemic the past few years- trust that your adventurous side will be fully accessible again in 2023. Especially from June-October, when Venus is in Leo, you’re setting your sights on a far away land. If you’re not hopping on a plane, there’s a chance to review your internal belief systems and what philosophies really light you up. This is a great time to take a class that piques your interest. Jupiter will enter Taurus this year and stay through mid-2024. Your health will be on the upswing because of this transit, so prepare to relish in nature walks or other steady, grounding habits. The North Node will enter Aries in July and have you centering your pleasure once again. Children could also come into focus in the second half of the year. If kids aren’t your thing, decide to embrace your own inner-child and nourish your creativity with gusto. 

Capricorn ✧ 

2023 begins with a Mercury Retrograde in your home sign, suggesting a serious review period before you’re ready to get going. Coupled with the Mars Retrograde in the daily habits area of your life…you’re ready to do things differently this year. Luckily, it looks like just the break you had in mind is manifesting before you. Saturn, your ruling planet, enters Pisces in early March and will support you in releasing friends that no longer align with how you’re moving forward. “Relaxation” is a theme word for you this year, which is not a habit you’re typically very comfortable with! But Jupiter in Aries is supporting this homeward journey for you initially, then the North Node will follow suit. You’re beginning to come into balance with your work and home life, and finding comfort away from the office. Letting go will bring you back to yourself.

Aquarius ✧ 

While some aspects of yourself will lighten up this year, others will deepen significantly. Saturn will leave Aquarius in early March, and a sense of freedom without rigid structure will return. Just a couple weeks later, though, Pluto will dip its toes into your home sign…challenging everything you thought you knew about yourself. This transit will only last a few months- so think of this spring’s intensity like a precursor for the next few decades. The great news is that despite the temporarily deep waters you’re containing, love is also on the horizon. Especially during Venus’ extended transit of Leo, from June-October, your one on one relationships will be shining brightly. Stay on the lookout for someone that catches your eye, as partnerships of all kinds will be auspicious for you this summer. The intensity of your eclipse stories are coming to a close this year, so focus on integrating their lessons.

Pisces ✧ 

The major story of your year is centered around Saturn, the planet of boundaries. But the hiccup arrives when anyone or anything (planet included) attempts to put those boundaries on a Pisces who knows no limits! This year’s lesson will involve a maturity around what you can and cannot do. Your best bet is to embrace structure that’s still flexible…like tree branches in the wind, or a raft out to sea. With the North Node entering Aries over the summer, your growing pains could include a novel relationship with money. Pisceans are rarely materialistic, but you might find that prioritizing your bag will help with the freedom you crave. It’s time to take charge of your resources, as you won’t be able to rely on support coming from others this year. Especially during Venus’ transit of Leo from June-October, you’ll have the opportunity to embrace work you love that can help you do just that.

Please take what resonates from these readings and leave the rest. Here’s to a happy, healthy, MAGICAL 2023!

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