2025 is a banner year. Every single planet will be in a new position than what we’ve come to be familiar with over the past several years. While not everything will change down here on Earth immediately…it’s a year that marks a shift into an entirely new environment, setting the stage for many years to come.
- Mars retrograde in Leo and Cancer: December 6th 2024- February 23rd, 2025
- North Node enters Pisces, South Node enters Virgo: January 11th
- Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo: March 13th
- Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: September 7th
- New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo: September 21st
- Saturn enters Aries: May 24th (Saturn in Aries people– this is the start of your Saturn Return!).
- Jupiter enters Cancer: June 9th
- Uranus enters Gemini: July 7th
These readings are a personalized, astrological deep dive…just like our candles!
Astrologer Erin River Sunday wrote these horoscopes according to your Rising/Ascendant sign. Don’t know your Rising sign? We’ve got a book for that!
Aries ✧
While you’re no stranger to attention, 2025 will take the “all eyes on you” sentiment to an entirely new level! Things are going to shift in a major way for you this year, thanks to lots of energy in your home sign. The year begins with your ruling planet, Mars, retrograde. The first several months of the year are marked by reworking plans and possibly less energy than normal. By the Spring, you might be feeling ready for a full-on makeover with Venus in your home sign. Both Neptune and Saturn will be in Aries by the end of May, and you’re ready to get serious about making your dreams a reality. Uranus entering Gemini will shake up your local community and might lead to some surprising friendships and/or unfoldings with siblings. Your home will be a nice respite from any of the chaos, with Jupiter entering Cancer in June.
Taurus ✧
The year is set to be a more quiet one than years past. You’re set to be more focused on introspection and restful moments than socializing to levels of exhaustion! You might be getting more serious about your spiritual practices this year– and that’s added reason for more alone time. Your dreams, both waking and asleep, will be very vivid, so pay close attention to your subconscious. All of this action behind the scenes is tied to the Aries area of your birth chart, which will experience transits of Venus, Neptune, and Saturn this year. There are definitely new beginnings happening for you– but other people might not see them quite yet. In the 3D world, your bank account is set to experience some surprises with Uranus entering Gemini over the summer. You might find surprising new ways of making money, possibly tied to new connections in your local community.
Gemini ✧
There’s a big focus this year on your community and friend groups (unsurprising for a Gemini!). Your communities are growing up and facing some of the inevitable growing pains that come along with that. You might be revisiting friendships that you’ve grown out of over time, and/or meeting new people that you intend on having in your life forever. The focus is on centering what your dream communities would look like, and taking the necessary actions to ground that in reality. These evolutions are closely tied to how you’re set to evolve as a person over the next several years, with Uranus entering your home sign in July. Your personality is undergoing a major shakeup, full of surprises even you didn’t see coming. Your career will be a place that asks a lot of you throughout 2025, but it’s equally where you’re craving more and wanting to grow.
Cancer ✧
Jupiter enters your home sign for the first time in 12 years in 2025…and it’s going to be BIG! Good luck is on your side this year as your personal brand expands and feels more hopeful. Your career will be a hot bed, with Venus, Neptune, and Saturn all spending a lot of time in Aries, your most visible 10th house. New endeavors are likely to feel critically important to your growth, so lean into the leadership roles that are calling. While your job won’t be free of frustration, you’re putting the foundations into place that you want to support you for many years to come. Your career dreams might very well come to reality! Uranus will enter your 12th house, making your intuition and dreams electrified in a fresh way. Pay close attention to spiritual insights and try writing down your dreams to connect with them even more. With eclipses in your 9th and 3rd houses, you’ll be feeling called to learn and explore all year– take the course, do the road-trip, and share your insights with your community.
Leo ✧
2025 begins with Mars retrograde in your home sign, so you could be rethinking your direction and making some changes during the first few months of the year. Venus stations retrograde in March and you’re likely to be focused on learning, and possibly traveling somewhere you’ve enjoyed previously. With a pile up in Aries progressing throughout the year, adding Neptune and then Saturn, there’s a critical focus on what you’re learning, and perhaps teaching. What you’ve dreamed about in these arenas might be meeting reality in a new way. Fresh starts are encouraged! The North Node enters Pisces on January 11th, so there’s a veil of magical support over you throughout the year– particularly from your committed partnerships. You’re looking to grow in the ways you share resources this year. Just ensure your sharing is reciprocal.
Virgo ✧
This year is all about relationships for you and what happens when you’re deeply entrenched with others. One of several major things happening is eclipses in your home sign. 2025 will ask you to let go of your propensity for control, and instead move towards trusting that things are falling into place exactly as they should. Merging with others will come with its growing pains, but these lessons, at the same time, can be a wish come true. Your friends will be another bright spot in the year as Jupiter enters Cancer over the summer. Your community will be filling your cup and encouraging your unfolding. Lean on them for advice and even spiritual wisdom if the going gets tough.
Libra ✧
While 2024 was big for you in regards to partnerships because of the eclipses…it has nothing on 2025! Your 7th house of committed relationships will be receiving a lot of energy throughout this year, setting the stage for your one on one connections for many years to come. Venus, Saturn, and Neptune will all spend time in your house of the “other” so while the people closest to you might feel difficult (and even boring!) on one hand…they could equally be exactly what you’ve been manifesting. With Neptune’s influence here, there is a danger of being swept away wearing rose colored glasses, but that’s what Saturn helps to negate. Instead of just wishful thinking…you’re building the dream in love.
Scorpio ✧
Your day to day, 9-5 life comes into focus this year in an entirely new way. It’s likely to be both harsher than you imagined…and somehow exactly what you’ve always wanted at the same time. This is due to both Neptune and Saturn transiting Aries this year (your 6th house of wellness and routines). It’s a great year to get serious about your health and set new foundations for your long-term wellbeing. You’re also likely to feel a lot more spiritual in the day to day. Consider a Tarot deck or other magical tools to support your more mundane decisions. Travel and learning of all kinds will be supported by Jupiter in Cancer, beginning this summer, so book that trip if you’re feeling called. The eclipses this year will focus on your creativity and how you share it with larger audiences. You might also be focused on children, or your own inner-child (or both!). The support you receive from others might feel more shaky than usual, as Uranus enters Gemini, your 8th house of shared resources. There might also be welcomed surprises in this area– so stay open to the unexpected!
Sagittarius ✧
If you’ve yet to pay attention to eclipses– now is the year for you to start! The North Node enters Pisces on January 11th and will mark an 18th month chapter of major public evolution for you. How you’re known in the world will be shifting over this year, and it might have to do with your creative spirit. Aries is the other hot bed in 2025, and that’s your 5th house of children, romance, and play. Whether focusing on children of your own and/or your inner-child, this year will grant you the opportunity to get serious about exploration and following the call of your muse(s). Jupiter, the great benefic and your personal ruler, will be anointing your 8th house of shared resources, so if the going gets tough, know that you have support incoming from those you’re in committed connections with. It’s a year that promises profound healing and more than a few surprises in your one on one connections.
Capricorn ✧
The big sigh of relief for you in 2025 is that Pluto has officially left your home sign for the last time in your lifetime. The past 15 years were marked by transition after transition after transition– endings and beginnings were the status quo. That pressure will have finally lifted off your personality this year! The North Node will enter the “beliefs” area of your chart at the start of the year and cast a veil of curiosity and learning (possibly informed by travel) over your year as a whole. Stay open to higher learning and educational possibilities. If you’re looking for partnership, or already in a committed partnership, when Jupiter enters Cancer over the summer it marks the beginning of a year overflowing with commitment opportunities. There will be more people wanting to connect, so put yourself out there and enjoy the attention!
Aquarius ✧
With Pluto newly in your first house, this time to stay for the coming two decades, you’re in for a year of deep, continuing transformation. The death and rebirth cycle will become an old friend to you this year– so try to embrace change rather than clinging to past versions of yourself. Aries is the area of your chart with the biggest shifts tied to 2025, and for you that means your local community, siblings, and the way you communicate as a whole. You might be getting simultaneously more serious and more day-dreamy about what’s possible in your day to day. Embracing new beginnings in this area is encouraged, just know it will likely take hard work to set yourself up for the future you’re envisioning. Jupiter will enter Cancer over the summer, indicating a year of very busy daily activities and good health to boot!
Pisces ✧
The North Node enters your home sign at the beginning of the year, pointing to karmic unfoldings that will align your personality with that of the collective. Pay attention to themes in your life that seem to be mirrored around you, especially around eclipse dates! Your one on one partnerships are also set to be an area with major change this year–so put yourself out there if you’re looking for more connections. Your finances are another big area of focus, which might be connected to the people you’re teaming up with this year. There’s a lot of growth to be made, and possibly dreams to be realized, in relation to your bottom line. There are likely to be shakeups beginning on the homefront when Uranus enters Gemini over the summer. Notice what surprises are unfolding around your root systems and family dynamics. Finally, when Jupiter enters Cancer in June, you’ll be feeling a lot more creative. If the muses are whispering in the second half of the year, lean in and follow their call.
Please take what resonates from these readings and leave the rest. Here’s to a happy, healthy, MAGICAL 2025!

The Birthdate Candle
A candle crafted for the day you were born
We combined astrology, numerology, and tarot to create 365 beautiful candles — one for every birthdate. Each candle and has a fragrance carefully designed to enliven your spirit.