The Pink Moon: April 2023 Full Moon in Virgo

    The Pink Moon: April 2023 Full Moon in Virgo

    SIGN: Libra

    ELEMENT: Air

    PLANETARY RULER: Venus in Taurus

    DEGREE: 16°

    DATE: Thursday, April 6th, 2023

    TIME: 12:34 AM EST

    April's Full Moon in Libra is also known as the “Pink Moon” as it's around this time that the flowers are beginning to bloom in North America. This lunation is a celebration of all things Spring!

    Astrologically, Full Moons are a moment of surrender and release. This is not a time for manifestation, but a chance to reap what you’ve sown the past six months in the Libra area of your birth chart—and especially because it’s ruled by a very happy Venus in Taurus, this is an opportunity to witness the beauty of our relationships.

    Libra energy, at its best, knows how to keep the peace- especially within one on one relationships. It’s an air sign all about relating who believes that two heads are better than one. 

    2023’s Full Moon in Libra is an extra sweet moment before eclipse season begins. In this way, it might be like a calm before the storm. We’re happy to be relating and noticing the ways others bring expansion to our life. And because the ruler of this lunation is Venus in Taurus, it’s a beautiful time to kick back and relax with those we love. Especially before everything gets shaken up again!

    Think back to the corresponding Libra New Moon that happened back on September 25th, 2022. You might notice themes that began last fall now culminating. The cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) will feel this Full Moon most intensely.


    • Where are you seeking balance in your life?
    • What does beauty mean to you?
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