Leo Season Horoscopes

Leo Season Horoscopes

Leo season horoscopes are here! Ruled by the Sun…we hope they’ll help you shine your brightest.

Our Resident Astrologer, Erin, writes these horoscopes based on your Sun and Rising/Ascendant sign. Don’t know your Rising Sign? The Birthdate Book can help!

Leo Season: July 23 - August 22


You’re creating something new, Aries, and you’re putting your whole heart into it this season. The Leo New Moon on July 28th is a particularly potent time for your love life. If you’re single, stay on the lookout for a flirty paramour waltzing into your life. Partnered? Use this date to take a pottery class together, or celebrate your children. A few days later, something surprising is aligning with your resources. You could be offered a raise out of the blue, or take a gamble that you usually wouldn’t- but trust that it will pay off in the long run. The end of Leo season has you initiating some social outings and catching up with old friends. Whatever you find yourself doing, just remember it doesn’t always have to be a competition; create for creativity's sake.


Family is the name of the game for you this season. You’re feathering your nest and come the Uranus conjunction with the North Node (July 31st), you’re also in for a shock or two related to your identity. Maybe you try a hair color you never dreamed you could pull off…or even go get your first tattoo! Know that whatever is happening with your physicality is aligning you with the self you were born to inhabit. By the Aquarius Full Moon on August 11th, something you’ve been working on in your public life is culminating. Work is likely to be busy now- so if you’re planning a vacation, maybe check your email a couple times while you’re away! By the end of Leo season, you’re decidedly loosening your grip and expressing yourself openly and vulnerably to those you hold most dear.


Never second-guess your gumption! You’re always happy to be around your friends, but this season truly takes the cake. The Leo New Moon on July 28th is a beautiful time to reconnect with an old interest, or perhaps discover a new one. There’s definitely something new to learn now, and your curiosity about it will deepen over the coming six months. By the end of the month, you will likely have to confront your personal space no longer being so personal! Something you’ve previously relished in privately just might get upended now- and while it’s probably shocking…it’s happening for your spiritual evolution. This season is ultimately about sharing theatrical stories with friends, and maybe even devouring some drama on screen or stage, too.


You might be ruled by the Moon, dear Crab, but this season you’re shining in an entirely new way. You’re focused on revenue streams and your overall sense of security around the New Moon on July 28th. It’s a beautiful moment to plant some manifestation seeds, so if you’re desiring a raise or another resource that will make your life more comfortable…make it known! The other big story for you this Leo season is your friendships- which are likely to get shaken up over the coming weeks. You might learn something surprising about a group you’ve always aligned with, or decide to collaborate with people you never imagined you would. While it will be shocking to others, trust your gut and go for it! And if you’re looking to bring in more money this season, just remember to invest your heart first. The Universe will handle the rest!


This season (your season!) there’s no question that you’re center-stage. Every sign has one New Moon a year, and on July 28th, you get yours! It’s an auspicious time for manifestation, so really listen to your heart about what you desire for the next 6 months ahead. Whatever you’re wishing for is likely to get shaken up in August, though, because the North Node is approaching a conjunction with Uranus. Translation? Your work life is in for some shocking revelations. Your career is likely to experience some major shakeups over the coming weeks that will bring you closer to your highest self. You’re not always a sign that loves change, but know that what’s happening is for your greatest good. Get comfortable in your body and play with different looks while navigating this exciting season! You know better than anyone else that authenticity is never boring.


There’s no way around it, you’re in need of some solo time this season. There could be a project you’re working on that requires your full, uninterrupted attention, or you might just be feeling the need to recharge. Whatever the case, don’t hesitate to set boundaries- they’re very important to your wellbeing this season. By the end of July, you could have a major upset regarding where you live. Uranus has been shaking up this area of your life for a few years now, but if you’ve ignored the call…you won’t be able to any longer. You might all of a sudden decide to pack up and move somewhere new, or even take a journey of the heart that comes as a surprise (to others, and yourself!). Your life’s philosophies are expanding now, and  you’ll be all the better for it. Remember that “checking out" can actually be an effective way to check back in and be sure to pay close attention to your dreams. 


Community is a focal point of your life this season. But of course, for a Libra, that likely comes as no surprise! You might note, though, that your social calendar gets especially busy every year during this time. And something that is less predictable? The transformations coming your way by the start of August. You’re going through some major endings in your life right now…and probably at least one that you never saw coming. Remember that when things come to a close, they’re making room for something new in its place. Just like bringing a new pair of shoes home from the store, the old ones need to be donated so they can continue on their own journey! When Venus, your ruler, enters Leo on August 11th, decide to make bold declarations to your allies (without checking the general consensus first) and see what happens. People will be eager to hear what you have to say.


You’re working harder than anyone else this season, Scorpio. While you’re a famously private person…the world just can’t get enough of you right now! It’s in your best interest, even if you must do so begrudgingly, to engage with your many fans…because there’s a lot of love to be shared! At the same time as your public life is taking off, your home life is culminating around the Full Moon on August 11th. You might complete a home project you’ve been diligently working on for months, or arrive at a welcomed cease-fire with a family member. You’re preoccupied with the outside world for good reason, just don’t forget your support system that’s waiting on your return! And if you decide it’s time for a promotion, discuss the idea with a loyal friend first. You’ve got some surprising partnerships making themselves known this season, so take their advice to heart. Making your intentions clear will bring everything you desire and more.


Oh, the places you’ll go! People have always respected your adventures and been curious about how you create such a colorful life. This season is no different! Whether you’re physically traveling somewhere or engaging with people from a faraway land from home…you’re expanding with your full heart right now. Don’t get too lost in your grand philosophies, though, because the beginning of August will bring a critical moment to your daily, practical life. There might be something health related- like a surprising decision to give a new diet a try, or even the shocking truth that your support is needed in a way you never thought possible. While mundane life is set to be reinvigorated, never lose your sense of wonder. The bridge appearing now is one you were born to cross…so go bravely! When you’re busy learning so much, know how special it remains to share your perspective. Shout your truth far and wide this season!


This season is a time of great transformation for you. While upheaval can be exhausting, you’re also one to know that it’s sometimes necessary to continue the climb to the top. Consider this period like a construction site…materials must be moved and cleared so that new foundations can be cemented. It’s a potentially messy excavation, but it’s arriving right on time. When Mars enters Gemini on August 20th, you’ll be very thankful for the distractions of daily life. You’re going to be very busy with practical engagements, likely in response to some revelatory matters in your love life a few weeks earlier. Reimagine the endings happening around you by embracing the silver linings and fresh starts. These monumental moments will become the very structures of the life you’re ready to create.


Commitment” is not a word you take lightly- now, or ever. This season has you preoccupied with the people you’ve made promises to, and perhaps even entertaining a few new ones. If you’re ever frustrated, remember that those closest to you often act as mirrors to your own behavior. Let that rest on your heart and decide if you like what you see. The Full Moon on August 11th lands in your home sign, so that alone is a reason to celebrate! You might be due for a haircut, or reaching a more drastic culmination in your physical identity. Mars will enter Gemini on August 20th, and it seems you’ve got some grand creative ideas. You’ve always been a forward thinker, but now is the time you’re ready to take action. Alongside all this, something new is stirring on the home front. You’re no stranger to lightbulb moments…so embrace the change! And through it all, consider the people worthy of your partnership and give them the gift of your attention this season.


New habits are finding their way to you this season, and embracing them will improve your health. The “real world” is often a laughable construct to you and that’s fair enough, but at some point it’s time to lean into the physical body you have in this life…and this is that moment! Rather than overthinking, listen to your heart. What daily practices might support who you’re becoming in the here and now? The Leo New Moon on July 28th is a great date to write down what you’re working on, and set clear intentions for moving forward. Around the same time, something is shifting in the way you communicate with others. An electrifying new friend could enter your sphere- so be on the lookout and prepare to learn a lot from them. Show up in your waking life as exuberantly as you do in your dreams, and you will navigate this fiery season with ethereal grace. 

Erin River Sunday is the Resident Astrologer for Birthdate Co., you can find more info on her here

A little more about Leo Season

Keywords: Authentic, Heart-Centered, Bold, Creative, Loyal

  • Planetary/Luminary ruler: The Sun
  • Modality: Fixed
  • Triplicity (Element): Fire
  • Symbol: The Lion
  • Famous Archetypes: Jennifer Lopez, Viola Davis, Carl Jung, Barack Obama

    Every zodiac sign is ruled by a specific planet, with a few signs sharing the same. Both Gemini and Virgo, for example, are ruled by Mercury. But the summer season is something all its own. The luminaries rule these days, with the Moon residing exclusively over the astrological sign of Cancer, and this season, Leo season, is the only sign ruled by the Sun.

    Cancer Season was about uncovering hidden parts of yourself, and integrating your intuition. Because of that work, your confidence, along with everyone else’s, is likely to be at an all time high now. 

    At this point in the year, you’re ready to really dig in and express yourself authentically. Of course even the Sun casts a shadow…but we’re all about finding the light right now.

    Take this Leo season as an opportunity to shine as your very brightest and best self!

    Journal prompts to connect with Leo energy:

    1. When you get a text or call from someone saying “x, y, or z just reminded me of you!” what are the most common things you hear them say? Do they feel authentic to how you see yourself? 
    2. What are you doing when you feel most alive? Can you make more time to do those things?
    3. How does the word “creativity” make you feel? When was the last time you were creative?
    4. Who are the people/places/things that made you happiest in your childhood? Why?

    2022 Leo Season Highlights

    • Thursday, July 28th: Leo New Moon

    • Friday, July 29th: Jupiter Retrograde

    • Sunday, July 31st: North Node conjunct Uranus at 18° Taurus

    • Monday, August 1st: Mars conjunct Uranus at 18° Taurus

    • Thursday, August 4th: Mercury enters Virgo

    • Thursday, August 11th: Venus enters Leo

    • Thursday, August 11th: 19° Aquarius Full Moon

    • Saturday, August 20th: Mars enters Gemini

    If you'd like to dig a bit deeper and are familiar with your birth chart, check out which house Leo rules. That's where your energy will be focused throughout Leo Season! And if you're unfamiliar with your chart but curious to learn more, we’ve got a book for that.

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