Cancer season horoscopes are here! Ruled by the Moon…we hope they’ll get you in your feels (and we always love to hear how you're feeling!)
Cancer Season: June 21 - July 22
You’re focused on feathering your nest this season- and especially so once Mercury enters Cancer on July 5th. You could have a big conversation about your living situation, or maybe have a heart to heart with a parent. The Capricorn Full Moon focuses your attention on your public roles on July 13th. Reflect on how your reputation has evolved over the past six months and allow yourself to slow down for a while. Reconnecting to your roots will remind you that work is great…but home is where the heart is.
Your friends are some of the most intuitive people you know, and you’re leaning on them this season. Whatever you need, they’re happy to help. You’re also navigating some important financial conversations because Venus enters Gemini, your 2nd house of values, on June 23rd. You’ll be in a strong position, so ask for what you know you deserve. On a mundane level, you could be ready for a haircut around July 5th. Mars will enter your first house of self and encourage you to “cut” away anything no longer serving you.
Investing your hard earned time and money into your home this season will make you feel safe and secure. Because your financial house will be activated, you’re focused on profit margins…and maybe reading more than a few articles about the potential of a recession. The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 13th will be a nice reminder that change defines our lives, and rebirth can be a supportive tool. As a Gemini, you’re used to changing your mind, so this could land like acknowledgement of your intuition.
Protecting your inner-world is always a top priority for you, but especially so during your birthday season! The Sun is now transiting your first house of self, so you’ll be extra-attuned to your own energy. If you’re tired, take a nap; if you’re hungry, have a snack! When the Cancer New Moon arrives on June 28th, you have a beautiful opportunity for a fresh start. When you focus on nourishing yourself from the inside out, you’ll be in an even better position to nurture those that you care about most.
You feel things deeply, Leo, and this season asks you to seek out some alone time to reconnect with yourself. You’re headed into your inner-sanctuary, and might feel some external things coming to a close around you in preparation for renewal. The Cancer New Moon on June 28th is a particularly psychic moment for you. Pay close attention to any intuitive hints. By July 19th, when Mercury enters your home sign of Leo, you’re ready to integrate what you’ve learned, and perhaps share a creative story or two.
This season, you’re focused on your chosen family. You know better than most that blood isn’t always thicker than water. June 28th is a potent moment to tap into the practices you’ve been craving within a new community. You’re in communication with this group and excited to learn as much as possible. Come July 17th, when Venus enters Cancer, you could decide to pay a big membership fee, or otherwise put your values on display. You’re fiercely protective over the communities you’re part of, and they will support you in return.
Taking care of people at work comes naturally to you, and especially during this season. You’ve got a very busy summer ahead, so hopefully you took a Spring vacation! People at the office (or on Zoom) just can’t seem to get enough of you! When the Full Moon in Capricorn arrives on July 13th, you have a beautiful opportunity to reach equilibrium between work and home. A raise might be looming by the end of this season, but know that it can be reached by remembering the importance of self-care, too.
The road (or train or plane) is calling you this season! Do you have a trip booked yet? If you don’t…by the Cancer New Moon on June 28th, you’ll be ready. Mars enters Taurus, your opposite sign, on July 5th, so perhaps you’re getting some travel tips from friends. Or a local bookstore! This is a season of learning and adventure for you, whether it’s physically or in the astral realm. You’re in pursuit of what nourishes your soul and will feel at home wherever you may land.
Major transformation is set to occur for you this season. Because this happens every year though…you might know the summer to always be a particularly intense time for you. Witness where things are fading away so that new life might blossom in its place. The June 28th New Moon in Cancer could be particularly insightful for your journey. It’s a time ripe for beginnings, so plant the seeds that you want to see grow the rest of this year. When Venus joins the Sun in Cancer on July 17th, it will be smart to remember that moving ahead is aided by not just focusing on the future, but remembering the past.
This season brings your committed partnerships to the forefront. There’s something about this time that has you focused on the “other” and what they’re teaching you about yourself. The Full Moon in your home sign of Capricorn on July 13th will shift the attention back to your embodiment and the reason you do the things you do. Shortly after, on July 17th, Venus joins the Sun in Cancer and your relationships get a loving boost of balance. You will be reminded that those you love are mirrors- and they will teach you how to re-parent yourself.
The daily grind comes with a heavy dose of intuition for you this season. It’s not just what you do, but how you feel while you’re doing it. It’s also likely that you work with your family in some way….which, of course, can get complicated! The New Moon in Cancer on June 28th offers a moment for a fresh beginning in your routine. If you’ve been on a health journey, let this time be a blank page. If it’s work related, see if you can refresh your systems in a way that feels more intuitive. Let your rhythms be influenced by your changing moods.
Art, in its many forms, can easily bring you to tears this season- and always! You’re an especially creative person, and that speaks just as much to the way you view the world as it does to whether you claim yourself an “artist” or not. But if you’ve been thinking about creating more of your own work, June 28th offers a birthing portal for you! The Cancer New Moon is a fertile time (literally and figuratively), so if you’ve been thinking about your own creations, now is the time to tap in. When Venus enters Cancer on July 17th, you might find that there are financial resources and friends that are supportive of what you’re bringing into the world.
Erin River Sunday is the Resident Astrologer for Birthdate Co., you can find more info on her here.
A little more about Cancer Season…
Keywords: Mothering, Emotional, Sensitive, Intuitive, Nostalgic
We celebrate the Summer Solstice every year on June 21st, and astrologically, we celebrate the first day of Cancer Season. Cancer is the FIRST water sign. While its energy is known for being a bit passive-aggressive (Cancer people hate to hurt anyone’s feelings), never doubt that as a Cardinal sign, they’re some of the hardest working people out there.
Cancer is the great cosmic Mother. These are our pack leaders who intuitively know what everyone needs and can take care of others in profoundly psychic ways.
Cancer is associated with the fourth house of the birth chart, relating to the home and ancestral roots. Rather than the attention being directed outward, it’s a deep, cathartic flow into the subterranean foundations of the soul.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which is all about sensitive emotions and hidden realms. Like the Moon, Cancer people tend to shy away from the bright lights, preferring the protective comfort of their private home life.
Journal prompts to connect with Cancer energy:
- What structures help you feel most held?
- How do you tap into your intuition on a regular basis, and if you don’t, how might you try?
- Who in your life makes you feel like the most comfortable version of yourself? Why?
- What does the word “family” mean to you?
2022 Cancer Season Highlights
- Tuesday, June 21st: Sun enters Cancer + Summer Solstice
- Thursday, June 23rd: Venus enters Gemini
- Tuesday, June 28th: 7° Cancer New Moon + Neptune stations retrograde
- Tuesday, July 5th: Mars enters Taurus + Mercury enters Cancer
- Wednesday, July 13th: 21° Capricorn Full Moon
- Sunday, July 17th: Venus enters Cancer
- Tuesday, July 19th: Mercury enters Leo
If you'd like to dig a bit deeper and are familiar with your birth chart, check out which house Cancer rules. That's where your energy will be focused throughout Cancer Season! And if you're unfamiliar with your chart but curious to learn more, we’ve got a book for that.

The Birthdate Book
A fully personalized, beautiful, and unique reading of your birth chart
A beautiful, made-to-order book that illustrates your unique astrological birth chart. Uncover the secrets and guiding forces of your personality based on the details of your birthdate.