These Top 5 Best Smelling Candles Can Pick Up Any Bad Day

    These Top 5 Best Smelling Candles Can Pick Up Any Bad Day

    Scent has a profound effect on our mental state and has the potential to greatly elevate our moods. As scent is so powerful and has such an effect on us, it should be harnessed mindfully and with care. This is where particularly delightful scented candles come in. After all, there is no better way to create and revel in an exact aroma profile than with a lovingly crafted candle.

    The candles that have the most and strongest effect on you will likely differ from others’ favorite scents. This has to do with various associations and memories you have, as well as just your personal preferences. The process of finding the right candles for you can take a bit of (wonderfully smelling) trial and error, but there are some surefire ways to find the perfect candle for you.

    Aromas can inspire different moods in us, and that is why they have the ability to make us feel any number of ways. Candles are able to provide a number of emotional responses, from calm, to excited, to simply and totally content.

    Luckily, there are a variety of ways to pick a smell and candle that will inevitably raise your spirits and has the potential to greatly improve a previously lackluster day.

    1. A Scent That Reminds You of Treasured Memories

    While many scents have calming properties, or the ability to make you feel elevated and content, there is something huge to be said for finding something that connects you to your past.

    Consider the memories you hold most dear. From there, think of the smells and aromas you associate with those valuable memories. If you can achieve this, you are likely to find a candle that is especially meaningful to you.

    Perhaps you loved long days out by the lake in the sprawling summer sun. In that case, look for a candle with scents of summer, where warmth and flowers are paramount. Or maybe you fondly look back on the cinnamon rolls you would have with your family on chilly mornings. In that case, the aroma of cinnamon, vanilla, and other baked goods may put you the most at ease.

    Your olfactory sense, or sense of smell, is incredibly strongly linked with reminiscing. Smell is the sense that is the most linked with memory. This is because the system in your brain that processes smell is located very close to the center for storing memory.

    In fact, the phenomenon of certain smells prompting vivid memories to return to the forefront is so well documented that it has a name-- The Proust Effect.

    All of this is to say that there is a strong basis of scientific research when it comes to the power aromas can have on us. Candles are calming in their own right, as they give off a serene aura, but there is more at play than just that.

    Find candles that bring back these strong, treasured memories, and do not hesitate to put them to use if you are looking to turn around a bad day.

    When trying to find this perfect candle, keep in mind that shopping online is a great option. Wading through aisle after aisle in a store with the intention of finding the perfect candle can be overwhelming, confuse your nose, and sometimes cause discomfort. 

    Meanwhile, if you search online, you can look from the comfort of your own home, and you will never risk a headache from smelling too many different scents.

    2. A Candle That Is Personalized for You

    On a similar note to finding an aroma that brings back beloved memories for you, a candle personalized specifically for you can also bring something new to the candle experience.

    A candle can be customized for you in a variety of ways. It could have a specific aroma profile and blend of scents that you selected, or someone could choose scents they think you would love, and more.

    Many people recognize the healing powers that candles provide, meaning that inevitably some scents are repeated more often than others. This can become a bit underwhelming over time and leave you wanting more when burning a candle. The perfect remedy for this is to get a personalized candle with a different aroma than what is just traditional and expected. 

    Like some of the benefits we mentioned before, this is another situation where shopping online might just be your best friend. The online customization market is thriving and allows you to find something that is solely and entirely yours.

    Having an item that is personalized over something generic allows you to feel as special as you are and know that this is just for you.

    Birthdate Candles, for instance, are designed especially for your birthday, tarot reading, ruling number, ruling sign, and star chart. While experiencing the tranquility, you will especially be comforted by knowing that your candle experience is unique, just like you.  

    A candle from Birthdate Co. is a perfect way to elevate the candle experience from just a nice scent, to something with a deep meaning (and also still a really, really nice scent).

    3. A Scent That Reminds You It’s Alright To Relax

    After a long, tough day, many of us have certain tried and true rituals we use to relax. That said, it is an agreed-upon truth that there are few things better than cozy relaxation. Just sitting down on the couch, putting on a favorite movie or opening the well-loved pages of a book, and lighting a candle can make you feel totally zen. 

    In our busy world, it is crucial to take opportunities to indulge in a little self-care, which has plentiful health benefits that are both mental and physical. Candles create a spa-like space and are conducive to achieving tranquility.

    From this serene aura, the instinct to take a deep breath and center yourself comes naturally. Due to the influence candles can have, it is important to find the exact right candle to inspire this mindfulness within you.

    4. Candles That Utilize Essential Oils

    The world of candles and scents can seem so vast that it can be easy to forget their primary purpose: to help us unwind, relax, and feel at peace. While there are many candle aromas that help to achieve this goal by easing your mind, there are certain smells that are better for this purpose than others. 

    Many of the most calming scents are those that utilize the holistic healing properties of essential oils. Just some of these calming, natural scents include:

    • Lavender
    • Sage
    • Citrus
    • Peppermint
    • Rosemary
    • Eucalyptus

    There is a reason aromatherapy is such a powerful tool, and it is because scents can have a tremendous influence on our mood and mental state. So be mindful in your candle selection process and which scents put you the most at ease.

    5. Smells That Remind You of the Current Season

    Oftentimes, after a tough day, all we really want is to feel centered and in the moment. A great method of reaching this sense of utter awareness is by finding a scent that you associate with the time of year.

    Luckily, many candle providers understand the appeal of turning your home into a winter wonderland or an autumnal abode. Find what scents give you the strongest and most pleasant thoughts of the season.

    From fall’s pumpkin spice everything to spring’s cherry blossoms, there are so many lovely smells to choose from. Not only will this season-based candle objectively smell wonderful, but it will also keep you mindful and aware of your surroundings and how you relate to the natural changing of the seasons, even from within the comfort of your own home.

    You will generally have a variety of seasonal smells to choose from, meaning you can experiment and never run out of options. Winter is full of pine, but also mint and baked goods. Summer can provide you with smellscapes of flowers, or a day at the beach, dipping your toes into the ocean. These many options are liberating, so feel free to choose what candle seems to speak to you.

    The Slow Burn

    Really, there are a variety of ways to turn a bad day around. The key is to find what calms and centers you and reminds you to be grateful. For many, candles are an excellent way to quickly achieve this mindfulness and a heightened sense of awareness. Smells have a profound effect on our mental state, making candles a powerful ally in your self-care toolkit.

    You may find your perfect candle or candles by thinking of favorite times in your life and the smells that accompanied them. Otherwise, you may want something entirely and solely personalized to you, your nose, and your essence.

    No matter which route you take, it is crucial that you find a scent that prompts deep relaxation within you.

    Anytime you can breathe in the scent of your candle and breathe out the stress of the day, you know you have found something special. Whether it is a tranquil vanilla lavender, a pumpkin spiced dream or something made just for you, the right candle and scent are out there for everyone.

    Now, it is just a matter of going out and finding it.

    If you are looking for additional ways to find relaxation specific to your personality, a natal book can help you discover insights into your personality based on your horoscope. 70 pages of information, direct from top astrologers, can help point you on a mindful path on your journey to self-understanding and compassion. 


    Why Smells Bring Back Such Vivid Memories | Medical News Today

    The science behind how scent affects our mood | Telegraph

    Aromatherapy Uses and Benefits | Healthline

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