SIGN: Aquarius
PLANETARY RULER: Uranus in Taurus, Saturn in Pisces
DATE: Tuesday, August 1st, 2023
- Full Moons are a moment of surrender and release. This is not a moment for manifestation, but rather a chance to reap what you’ve sown the past six months in the Aquarius area of your birth chart.
- Aquarius energy is all about freedom…but it also understands the opportunities for it that structure can lend. This lunation is about owning the wild parts of our nature that demand expression, while also embracing the practical conversations that ultimately support our eccentricities. Trusting the containers that allow us to be our most unique selves is the medicine of this Full Moon.
- Make a note of the corresponding Aquarius New Moon that happened back on January 21st, 2023. Whatever happened back then is now culminating/coming full circle.
- Those with personal planets between 7° and 11° of the fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius) will feel this lunation most intensely.
- The traditional ruler of this lunation is Saturn, and Saturn is currently in Pisces, a sign that is known to dissolve the boundaries that the ringed planet demands. Uranus is also associated with Aquarius, a planet all about shocking the status quo. This combination is a fluid one that also benefits from practical, yet progressive conversations.
- JOURNAL PROMPTS: What does freedom look like to you? How have you embraced the unique aspects of your personality the past six months? Who are the most interesting people you’ve interacted with since January? What did they teach you?

The Birthdate Candle
A candle crafted for the day you were born
We combined astrology, numerology, and tarot to create 365 beautiful candles — one for every birthdate. Each candle and has a fragrance carefully designed to enliven your spirit.